Cormant-CS (formerly CableSolve) Mobile DCIM @ Interop

Welcome to the Cormant-CS (formerly CableSolve) New York Interop Landing Page
Download the Cormant-CS mobile client and see the InteropNET LIVE!

This site provides access to the Cormant-CS mobile clients for Android, BlackBerry and Apple. These online clients are designed to complement the current powerful offline Windows Mobile application. They provide access to the entire Interop network documentation – including all infrastructure, assets and connectivity. Some components are being updated in real time to monitor power and temperature as well.

Please click on the BlackBerry, Android or Apple app store icons below to download Cormant-CS for your device. There are tablet and phone versions for both Android v2.2/v3.0 and Apple iOS.

After download and on first launch you need to:

  • Configure the “API server” field with
  • Username and password are both interop

We are proud to present these apps here at Interop New York. If you have any questions or issues running the clients please come to the Cormant-CS (formerly CableSolve) booth (#837). We are located next to the NOC and are happy to help you. You can also call 1-855-DCIM-HELP (855 324 6435).

Choose your device


  • Cormant-CS Mobile requires access to the internet (via wifi/3g) in order to access the Cormant-CS Web API. Depending on your connection setup/provider, this may incur additional data charges.(Interop provides fast, free wifi).
  • When first launched, you need to configure the API server for the app. Please enter for the API. For login information, enter interop both for login username and password. When the application is first run Cormant-CS assets Icons will be downloaded.
  • In order to run Cormant-CS, the minimum required permissions are: Wifi and Internet. To use Icons: File Api. To use the Barcode Scanner: File API, Recording, Media, and Input Simulation. (These requirements are platform dependent.)
  • If you have questions please come by the Cormant-CS (formerly CableSolve) booth number 837 or email us at or call 1 855 DCIM HELP (855 324 6435).