Cormant-CS Release

Latest Release

Cormant-CS 7.1.9 : Introduces some of the most requested analytics by customers and analysts: what if analysis and intelligent reporting.

  • The Power Affected Devices report lets you simulate PDU and UPS failures to see the affected devices in the power chain as a result of test scenarios. Users also see which devices have redundant power.
  • Like having a personal algorithm-writing math wizard at your disposal, the Rack Selection report in Workflow ranks rack suitability for device installations based on weighted scores of power, rack unit, and service environment capacity. Moves, adds, and changes become easier than ever with the removal of guesswork and time-consuming research.
  • Improved historical web exports ease the searching and reporting of all historical data.
  • Find the complete list of updates in the release notes.

Upcoming Release

Cormant-CS 8: Includes wildly popular new features included in its 50+ enhancements.


Most impactful updates includeCormant DCIM Screenshots:

  • Instant alerts on configurable data thresholds.

  • New, ergonomically designed console.

  • Complete dashboard overhaul with additional management widgets.



The major upcoming release introduces:

  • Actionable Alerts
    • Instant alerts via text, email, the Cormant-CS platform or subscribe to a daily email digest.
    • Integrated in the asset tree view or dashboard on all devices for viewability.
    • Fully built-in and configurable for any numeric data.
    • Helps data center managers proactively control issues before escalation.
  • New, ergonomically designed console
    • Easily filters data.
    • Enhances search efficiency.
    • Added page visit history and bookmarking for quick, configurable access to your most important data.
  • The addition of asset view breadcrumbs for faster navigation from page to page.
  • Searchable URL page links provide shareable content for team collaboration.
  • Numerous web UI improvements.
  • 50+ additional enhancements and 100s of bug fixes.

Beta release in August 2015. Contact to be a part of the Beta program.



We provide the expertise of a pure-play veteran for your DCIM success. You benefit from truly configurable, easy-to-use software, expert knowledge from technical consultants not salespeople, a six-step implementation process, and a world-class, 24-hour, in-house support team. We’re only successful if you’re successful which is why we boast a 94% customer retention rate since our product launch in 2003! If you’re searching for a DCIM solution to boost your operational efficiency in your data center, campus (university, medical, corporate, etc.) or colocation, contact us for information or a demo today. We’d love the opportunity to show you how With Cormant, Business is Personal.

Cormant-CS Brochure (3.9 MiB, 1788 downloads)