Our newest Cormant case study titled “Small Team, Big Results”, is now available, showcasing the implementation and deployment process of Cormant-CS at an American-based global data analytics and risk management firm serving customers worldwide in insurance, energy, financial services and other specialized markets by providing data analytic insights to help make better more focused decisions that minimize risk and maximize value.
Cormant-CS was selected by the company after a thorough DCIM market evaluation and a key decision criteria was how straightforward and easy to use it was. The measured annual ROI for the project was approximately $70,000, including a saving of staff time estimated to be 1,300 hours per year.
As the customer project leader said, “Cormant-CS won’t solve the world’s problems but it certainly has solved our data center infrastructure management problem. This was DCIM made easy!” Gus, Data Center Manager.
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