Cormant-CS is an industry leading Data Center Infrastructure Management solution with a global track record of successful DCIM support and deployments dating back to 2003. We support federal, state and local government agencies and the military, in 10 countries around the world with proven success and compliance.
For the US Federal Government, the Cormant-CS solution offers a full suite of DCOI metrics that are used to track progress against current federal standards. This, in turn, provides a complete solution that drives compliance and manages data center efficiency.
For a VPAT compliance statement for Cormant-CS, click HERE
The US Senate technology group uses Cormant-CS DCIM solution as the single source of truth for all data center data. To learn more about the US Senate/Cormant-CS Success, take a look at this US Senate Case Study
“Cormant DCIM has delivered more than we expected and we keep finding new ways to improve the operation of the data centers we run.”
Joe LaPalme, Manager, Enterprise IT Operations, U.S. Senate
For additional information or to arrange a demonstration, click HERE